Local member

California LiUNA 2016 0015.jpg

Local 185 Members

Protect LIUNA Apprenticeship

Keep IRAPs Out of ConstructionSend message now

SFPUC Workforce and Economic Program Services Pre-Apprenticeship Training


Get Involved With Your Union

LIUNA members and retirees volunteer, attend meetings, rallies and participate in political efforts to stay involved with their union.

LIUNA Highway Workers

Many of our nation's major roads are in disrepair. It's time to fix our roads and bridges to boost the economy, improve safety and create jobs.

American Landmarks

LIUNA members have helped build some of America's greatest landmarks including the 602 foot Shasta Dam over the Sacramento River.

Retirees Built It!

America's retirees were the labor force that built our nation. From tunnels to bridges from stadiums to dams, from the roads where we drive to the skyscrapers where we work, retiree built it!Find out more >>

Building America's Energy Infrastructure

LIUNA members are building our energy infrastructure to meet the needs of future generations.

Millbrae Library Solar Electric Systems

Solar Photovoltaic Installation

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Building Pipelines: Amy's Story